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Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix
Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix
Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix

Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix

Product Details:


Thermo Fisher Scientific Invitrogen ERCC RNA Spike-In Mix Price And Quantity

  • 1 Unit

Product Description

Brand Thermo Fisher Scientific
Product Type RNA Control
Pack Size 1T
CAT No 4456740
Application Molecular Biology

Variation in RNA expression data can be attributed to a variety of factors including the quality of the starting material, the level of cellularity and RNA yield, the platform employed, and the person performing the experiment. To control for these sources of variability, a common set of external RNA controls has been developed by the External RNA Controls Consortium (ERCC), an ad-hoc group of academic, private, and public organizations hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

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